Fit for a Queen

Fit for a Queen

During my first visit to Kauai I never found my way to Queens Bath. Boy did I miss out On my second trip to Kauai I wanted to make sure I visited all the things I missed the first time. Queens Bath was high on my list. We arrived at Queens Bath one afternoon and found the place pretty easily. The place has become so popular that the island has built a parking lot and a trail down to the lava rocks. Once you get down to the ocean you just turn left and head west until you hit Queens Bath. Here, the a pool of water collects around lava rock to create a natural swimming pool. The lava rock is high enough in the front that it protects swimmers from the harsh waves of the Pacific Ocean. The back of the pool is open, which allows water and fish to swim in and keep Queens Bath full. I had an amazing time swimming, snorkeling, checking out the fish, watching crabs crawl around on the bottom, and just enjoying Queens Bath. After going back to the condo, showering, and getting a little snack, I returned for sunset, hopeful that I could find a decent composition and for a nice colorful sky.

As I walked down to Queens Bath I stopped at a number of waterfalls and took some photos. My friends kept going and were waiting for me at the bottom. They had spread themselves out so they could each get a personal view of the incoming sunset. I darted around to a number of different spots, trying to find something that provided an interesting foreground. Each time I would setup the tripod, take a couple photos and then decide this wasnt the spot and move on. I started rushing as I noticed the sky began to get some color. Finally, just as the clouds in the sky started turning pink I settled on this final composition. I noticed that the waves were crashing over some of the rocks on the right and then creating a little waterfall, and combined with the circular inlet shape of the cove, I knew I had my composition A family enjoyed the sunset from the rocks above me. I thought that they made a nice extra touch to the photo. Early in the day a pair of sea turtles hung out in this little cove and offered some visual entertainment for us.

Nikon D700 w/Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED AF-S:
24mm, f/20, 2.5 sec, ISO 100
Lee Filter Holder HiTech 0.9 Soft ND Grad

Aaron M Written by:

Aaron Meyers is a landscape and wedding photographer living in Silicon Valley, CA. His love of the outdoors makes for frequent forays into the Californian wilds, where he delights in the stunning vistas of Yosemite National Park, Lake Tahoe, Big Sur, and the Pacific Coast.