Tag: cloud storage

May 13, 2015 / Ramblings

Don’t be an Idiot – Back it Up!

[Update 5/14/15: Added a discussion on Sync vs Backup and added FolderWatch hard-drive duplication to the mix]

It’s just plain stupid if you aren’t backing up your photos. I don’t mean just putting them on a hard-drive and calling it good. The number of photos we take each day is staggering… in fact it’s estimated that over 1 trillion photos will be taken this year. We take photos for a number of reasons but the root of it is to remember. You want to remember a person, a moment, a place, a feeling. What good is this memory if you lose it? I have photos of my friends, my family, of the places I’ve visited; I also have a massive landscape photography hobby that’s resulted in a collection of several terabytes of photos. And up until now, I’ve been stupid.