Deep in Salt

Deep in Salt

Interestingly, the tallest point in the United States and the lowest point are separated by only 85 miles. Mt Whitney peaks at over 14,500 feet but further to the south, the Badwater Basin sits at 282 feet below sea level. I spent a lot of time at Badwater on my first visit to Death Valley National Park, but I had never seen a beautiful sunrise or sunset there.

Willie and I spent a long weekend exploring the park and finding scenes wed been hunting. David Thompson played an excellent tour guide for us and the trip turned out to be one of the best photography trips weve had: mostly because Mama Nature played nice

On our last morning here we kept particularly attention to a patch of clouds that were rolling in and made our way to a specific section of Badwater Basin. We couldnt have asked for a better sky. The clouds were full of texture and color when the sun did rise and hit it. Hexagonal honeycomb shaped salt rose out of the ground thanks to a nice wet winter the previous year.

Nikon D800 w/Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8:
14mm, f/13, 1/15 sec, ISO 100

Available for purchase at Aaron M Photography

Aaron M Written by:

Aaron Meyers is a landscape and wedding photographer living in Silicon Valley, CA. His love of the outdoors makes for frequent forays into the Californian wilds, where he delights in the stunning vistas of Yosemite National Park, Lake Tahoe, Big Sur, and the Pacific Coast.